Transformative Coaching for Depression, Anxiety, Grief & Relationships
  • Mon - Thu 16.45 - 22.00 - Please arrange all appointments in advance.
  • 416-363-0065
Transformative Coaching for Depression & Anxiety
They often work together to create a vicious cycle. Learn to break the cycle and get your life on track.
Transforming Grief & Loss
It is a natural process. Work with it to promote renewal and transformation.
Support for Gifted Individuals
I use gentle, evidence-based techniques to heal body, mind and spirit.
Transforming Marriage & Relationships
Emotion Coaching works with our natural attachment needs to promote happy, healthy relationships.
Carolyn Dallman Downes, M.Ed., R.P.


Over the course of my life, I have worked as a Writer, Community Worker, Executive Director, H.R. Consultant, Artist, Chef, Dancer, Filmmaker, Teacher & Psychotherapist. Some of these occupations were chosen, but others emerged out of necessity, as I adapted to constantly changing circumstances in my life. The need to adapt taught me the power of transformation. It is not enough to just survive change; we must make change work for us.

Along the way, I trained in experiential psychotherapy at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto & earned a master’s degree in Adult Education from the University of Toronto (OISE). I am a Psychotherapist registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and trained with Sue Johnson, originator of Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples. As a transformative practitioner, my most important insights come from the practice of Yoga, T’ai Chi, Meditation, Intuitive Reading and other mind/body/spirit approaches. I bring these insights, along with techniques like Internal Family Systems (IFS), Dream Analysis and guided self-reflection to help you connect to your true Self—the transformative core at the centre of our being, which fosters a more authentic and fulfilling life.

my services

Coaching I Can Provide

  • Overcoming Grief
  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Gifted Individuals
  • Relationship & Marital

Overcoming Grief

Most people don’t know that Grief is a natural physiological process, involving our whole body/mind. After a major loss many people try to soldier on, keeping a “stiff upper lip”, and trying to submerge our feelings. But if we do this, grief simply changes form; instead of sadness, it might become anger, depression, anxiety, fatigue, physical aches and pains or even numbness...

Depression & Anxiety

Most people don’t realize that depression and anxiety are not merely states of mind; they are actually activities in which we engage, interacting with each other to produce a vicious cycle of misery and suffering. When we are not suffering from hopelessness, we are wrestling with debilitating worry.

Sexual Orientation

Growing up as a sexual minority is often painful and traumatic. Those who grow up in families, communities or religions that frown on their sexual orientation or gender identity often experience guilt and self-loathing. I have helped dozens of people learn to embrace and celebrate their sexual orientation . . .

Gifted Individuals

Most people believe those who are intellectually or creatively gifted have a unique advantage over others, but studies show that by the time they reach adulthood, they are more likely to have been thoroughly mystified and often traumatized, by teachers, parents and learning institutions that fail to recognize or support their unique learning and psychological needs.

Relationship & Marital

Our relationships are the foundation of our lives and when they are not going well it is painful and debilitating. I trained as an Emotion-Focused Therapist because this approach is well-researched and highly successful, used by therapists around the world . . .
The Process

How Does It Work?

Step 1

Schedule Your Free 30 Minute Consultation

On average, a session lasts a full sixty minutes. During our first session I will outline my process and explain any of the legal and administrative things you need to know so you can give your informed consent.. Once you have given your consent, we will begin the assessment process. I will ask why you are here and what you want to accomplish. I will ask you questions about your present situation at home, at work and in your relationships--as well as asking about your family history. Out of this, we will develop a set of goals and an action plan for you, and identify tangible indicators which will tell us when your goals have been achieved.

Step 2

Regular Meetings and Coaching

After that, we will meet on a regular basis, usually once a week or every other week. The length of coaching varies with each individual, according to the complexity of the issues brought to the process. In general, I tell people that they will know when they can cut back or quit coaching, since they will be feeling better and the issues which brought them to coaching will be, if not resolved, then much more manageable.


Frequently Asked Questions

Trying to find a life coach can be a nerve-wracking process.

If you have any questions, just give me a call, or send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • What type of coaching is offered?
    I am a Transformative Life Coach, which is an umbrella term meaning that my orientation is client-centred, humanist and collaborative. I do not subscribe to the medical model (which emphasizes disease and dysfunction). Instead, I focus on growth and transformation. There are many techniques and approaches that fall under the umbrella of Transformative Life Coaching, from conventional listening and feedback techniques common to all counselling processes, to more esoteric approaches like Internal Family Systems (IFS), Dream Analysis, Artwork analysis, Mindfulness, Meditation and Self Analysis. Because of my extensive training as a teacher, counsellor and psychotherapist, I am able to draw on a vast array of skills and modalities to help you identify and transform the barriers that have held you back, so you can achieve your maximum potential in life, work and relationships.
  • How long does coaching take?
    Every person is unique, and the length of coaching depends upon the issues you bring to the process. Issues that involve a singular goal will probably only require a few sessions. However, if you have come from a situation involving a troubled past, and have multiple issues and goals, it will of course take longer to help you identify and overcome your barriers. Whatever your particular situation, you are the one in charge of the process. You can decide how often and how long you want to attend. In my experience, it is usually obvious when you are done, as you have addressed the goals that brought you to coaching, and your work, life and personal relationships are much improved. Most importantly, you will have new tools, skills and perspectives to help you continue to grow and maintain a more authentic and satisfying life.
  • What is personal growth work?
    Some people come to coaching because they want to enhance personal growth and heighten access to the true “Self”—the wise core of our being. When we access the authentic Self, ordinary, everyday experience is transformed into deep insight and enhanced personal growth. Transformative Life Coaching not only provides a safe place to navigate the everyday challenges of life, but it is also a place where we can examine our core belief systems, challenge what is no longer useful to us and foster healthier perspectives in our lives and relationships. Personal growth work can be as often as the individual wishes and can continue as long as you find it useful.
  • How Transformative Life Coaching can help us get unstuck
    Unlike most other coaching approaches, Transformative Life Coaching believes that the things that impede our progress in the present are rooted in experiences from our past. For this reason, the process of getting unstuck begins with a thorough assessment of your unique history, in order to identify unhealthy perspectives that have resulted in habits that hold you back today. For example, you might continually find yourself in unhealthy relationships, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot seem to change this. Together, you and I will look at the thoughts, feelings and behaviour that underlie the decisions you make around relationships. Using Internal Family Systems and other transformative techniques, we will trace these back to unprocessed incidents from your past that inform your present attitudes and behaviour. The very process of bringing awareness to our past experience changes our relationship to it, enabling us to have more insight and control over how we choose to act in our present life.