One of the most common reasons people come to therapy is that they are feeling anxious, and anxiety feels bad. You can’t relax, you either sleep too much or too little, but you still feel tired all the time. You may eat too much or too little, and then you feel anxious about gaining/losing weight. Sometimes it gets so bad, you flunk out at school or can’t function at work. Maybe you can’t leave the house without feeling anxious.
Well, to me, it seems obvious we have to stop automatically treating anxiety as a disorder. Except in unusual cases, it is not. You can’t medicate it away, because, in all likelihood there is nothing wrong with you. Anxiety is our body’s way of alerting us that something is trying to emerge into consciousness–something that is so troubling we don’t want to look at it. So we try to push it back into sub-consciousness. Except our sub-conscious (what I refer to as “the Body”) really needs us to pay attention, so it pushes back. The place where the need to acknowledge a feeling meets the pressure to keep a lid on it is the place where we feel anxiety.
Many artists and other creative folk come to me for counselling because they are “creatively blocked”. Although they may not be aware of feeling anxiety, when we explore further, we inevitably discover the same kind of internal standoff. In these cases, the war within is so habitual they have become numb to their own distress. The only signpost that remains is this “block” that prevents them from doing something they really want or need to do. So, how can this be a good thing? Why do I say we need to learn to love our anxiety? If it is distressing, painful, all-absorbing and creatively blocking, how can it be a good thing? More importantly, what can I do about it?
The more germane question, to my way of looking at it, is “What is my Body trying to tell me that is so important my entire life can get derailed?” In my next post, I will begin to address these questions, by outlining some of the many ways we can learn to understand and make friends with our anxiety.